August Update - Flabbergasted out this September!
Greetings wanderer!
We're so excited to announce our launch date for our game, Flabbergasted!
Our game will launch this September 28th on Kickstarter! Keep an eye out for upcoming newsletters and on our website for more updates as we approach our launch date. Can't wait for you all to see the final product! ✨
In the meantime, we've launched our first draft of our quickstart guide over on our Discord. Or you can download our first draft here.
Front Cover
We're so excited to show our final cover! It's designed by the incredible Ricardo Bessa and we couldn't be happier with how it turned out.
We had so much fun working on this. We even threw in a bunch of inside jokes and easter eggs - call-backs to our friends, pop culture references and alternate version of our OCs. If you're interested more in our process of working with our artists, we were interviewed earlier this month and spoke about this in more depth (but more on that interview further down ✨).
Where are we at with the game?
Our Quickstart guide is currently ongoing final editing and will then be read through by a sensitivity reader before our Kickstarter launch.
We're also busy at work finalising the Kickstarter campaign and working on logistics and fulfilment ahead of the launch.
Lastly, we're excited to show another illustration that'll be in Flabbergasted - done by Andy Bennett. You can see this illustration below! This is the last full illustration that'll be in our Quickstart guide - hopefully we can add more following our Kickstarter campaign!
Flabbergasted in the news!
Earlier this month, we were interviewed by Women of D&D - the interview can be found here and here. You'll get a closer look on how we've worked on Flabbergasted and our influences for it, as well as how The Wanderer's Tome got started in the first place. Stayed tuned for more interviews like this, as well as upcoming streams showcasing Flabbergasted!